We encourage clubs to use the Toastmasters branding, please see http://www.toastmasters.org/~/media/38FCF9FA5D334DDFA51A5D3D73FD5EA2.ashx for more information if you are setting up a wordpress.com (free version of wordpress) blog
Visit https://www.toastmasters.org/resources/logos-images-and-templates for images and photos and the brand manual
Commonly used Blog platforms:
- com (owned by Google)**
- com*
- com (free but cost to get rid of adds and connect a domain name to it)
- org (free but cost for domain name and hosting in order to set it up)
- There are many more options out there, but most are have fees.
What kinds of things can you as a Toastmaster or Club can blog or post about:
- A recent speech contest (with photos)
- A member getting an education award (with photos)
- Club meeting minutes
- The transcript of a speech (accompanied by an embedded Youtube video)
- Member testimonials
- Musings on Toastmasters
- Advertising an open house
- Explaining how a meeting runs or meeting roles
- Results of an officer election
- Instructional or informational information on Pathways
- Member bios and why they joined Toastmasters
- Ideas for Speeches
- Topics you have heard other Toastmasters cover
- Writing about mentoring, being a mentor or a mentee
- Advertising a club meeting
- About the company or location your meeting is hosted in
- Toastmaster challenges or success
- Write about a recent interesting meeting or a meeting that had some challenges, be careful with names and how you describe though as feelings can be hurt
- The best things you have learned from being evaluated
- How you have seen other grow and learn from being in Toastmasters
- Leadership lessons learned
- Lists of Toastmasters resources
- Lists of things that help Toastmasters
- Lists in general, top 10 lists are always good posts and best of
The Sky is the limit in terms of what can be written about on a blog
This is a webinar I recently did for District 53 Toastmasters on Blogging, other webinars on social media can be found on https://toastmasters53.org/district-53-webinars-2018-2019/