Who is Forfeng?
Forfeng is Heather Turner, a transplantee from the Hospitality Industry. Currently Geekette, Business Owner, Speaker and Certified SCORE mentor. She is the SCORE Granite Region (Serving Northern, Central & Southern NH + Eastern VT…..Belknap County, Carroll County, Cheshire County, Coos County, Grafton County, Hillsborough County, Merrimack County, Rockingham County, and Sullivan County) Co-Chair, Event Manager and Social Media Manager. She received the 2022 Small Business Champion Award from the NH SBA for her work with clients and as a workshop presenter: “Heather Turner, is an invaluable asset, both as a mentor and workshop presenter. Heather has conducted over 240 individual mentoring sessions with approximately 100 different small business owners. She presented an average of one workshop per week for the past three years, which have been well received by the dozens of current and aspiring small business owners who have attended.”
Heather Turner is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America and has spent over 20 years previously in the restaurant business. She trained under one of the PBS Series “Great Chefs of America”, Chef Yves Labbe at 4 Star acclaimed restaurant, Le Cheval D’or as his Chef de Cuisine and has been the Executive Chef at Bellini’s Restaurant, The Cliff House at Stowe Mt. Resort and Harvest Market in Northern Vermont and at The Olde Inn on Cape Cod. In 2003. She has owned Forfeng Designs since 2003, primarily doing restaurant and hospitality consulting, and currently teaches marketing and operations seminars for small businesses and professional groups.
Heather is a DTM X3 (Distinguished Toastmaster), the highest level accreditation you can receive in Toastmasters. She was written up in the September 2016 issue of Toastmasters magazine, only the second person in District 53 (which covers all of CT, part of MA and part of NY) who has ever been featured.
The History of Forfeng?
The origin of the name Forfëng is from an old Norwegian family name. Forfëng was a champion log roller in the fjords of Norway, who was absolutely fearless when leaping from rolling log to rolling log. Anyone in the family even five generations later (that would be Heather T.) being regarded as a bit out of the box, was known as a Forfëng.